Energy Checking Group Practicum

Starting January 2023 

Trusting Your Inner Guidance 

Even the best advice—be it in a book, article, friend or expert—may not be what your unique design is needing at this moment. 

Life has a bajillion moving parts. Personalized guidance from Source changes moment-to-moment because its encompassing perspective takes everything into consideration. The only one who can connect to this NOW-specific guidance is you. While every human is equipped with a built-in guidance system, you may not have been taught how to consciously and effectively use it. 

To develop a compassionate, trusting relationship with your rational soul—the source of your guidance—it takes time, the right instruction, compassionate practice—and in the beginning— training-wheel accompaniment. 

With an awakened sense of what you are capable of and daily practice that confirms your ability to receive reliable, trustworthy guidance that is borne out in your life, you begin to move through the world with autonomy and clarity, calm and joy!

Energy Checking Defined

Energy checking is both simple and complex. I provide a simple definition for now; you will learn its complexities and depths in the program and through experience. Energy checking–a form of the scientifically proven Applied Kinesiology–is a way of having a conversation between your mind and your rational soul, using your body as a conduit to read the energy of a situation using “yes” or “no” questions. Energy checking allows you to read energy and receive–over time and with practice–precise, tangible and undeniable answers. As you advance in your practice and gain confidence, loops of doubt and indecision will no longer plague you as you develop the capacity to assess your next right step. 


Energy Checking Practicum Group Program

By working through this program to trust your ability to energy check, you will learn, integrate and use:

  • The simple path to experiencing an Ah-ha moment that confirms your capacity to receive energetic information. You’ll open possibilities of being guided in all kinds of situations. 

  • The distinction between general religious/spiritual guidance and personalized guidance that is progressive and coherent with truth. This allows you to discern what is meant for you right now and not get hung up on things that either do not pertain to you or are not timely.

  • The method of trusting your guidance to make critical, high risk decisions—even ones that may go against societal norms and common wisdom but deliver the perfect remedy to you. 

  • The unique approach that allows you to feel the ways you are immersed in an ocean of compassion and love so your divine design can organically blossom into new levels of capacity without being forced.

  • The way to be connected to the sacred throughout your day so your life becomes a prayer and you are never outside of divine guidance.


Details about the Program

In working at this level, you get access to the full energy checking program and group support along the way. 

The Energy Checking Imme Practicum includes:

·  90 days of daily lessons delivered by email with short practices that progressively and systematically increase your capacity to read energy

·  Bi-weekly group Q&A calls and a Facebook group for connection and support with other participants. 

· Lifetime access to and updates of the self-guided energy literacy course when released. 

About Me

For 15+ years I have been using the proven techniques of reading energy through energy checking and learned its subtleties based on extensive application. I use it for mundane decisions as well as those of great magnitude in my life. I am practiced in energy checking and have broken down the process into simple, digestible components to teach many clients this invaluable skill. I’ve been told I do it with straight-forward strength, knowledge and practical wisdom that demystifies the process. Through learning to work with energy I have accessed an intelligence far more elegant and sophisticated than my brain and have seen, over and over again, the improbable fruits that obeying energy guidance has brought.



$100 monthly. 

This practicum is about learning new tools, practicing and integrating them. This process takes time. To fully experience the benefits of this practicum, I suggest you plan on being a part of it for at least six months. Experience has shown that many people choose to stay longer. Of course, if you find at any time that it is no longer a fit for you, I fully support your knowing. The people I’ve worked with who come into their own with Energy Checking have been in a mode of learning and practicing for a number of years. You may not need to be in this practicum for the whole of your journey to proficiency. Yet if it feels you are being nourished and your skills continue to deepen and sharpen, this space is designed to hold you for the duration. My hope is that this practicum and the resources provided shortens for you the time it took me to rely on my own energy checking.

If you are wanting to develop the capacity to energy check but this pricing structure prevents you from covering your basic necessities, reach out and let me know what level of investment would work best for you. 


Getting Started

If this program is a YES for you, email me at to schedule a conversation about joining the Energy Checking Practicum in January 2023. I am eager to support you in learning to receive practical and trustworthy moment-by-moment direction so you can navigate your life with autonomy and confidence, knowing you are loved and guided at every moment toward your deepest flourishing.