I’m excited to welcome you into this Energy Literacy Class!

Your next step is to decide on your contribution for this month’s classes and content. If you have already decided that amount, skip down to the end of this page to set that up. If not, the following will help you decide on the right amount for you. The money offer can and will change each month. Sometimes it will be less, sometimes it will increase. As you develop capacity and confidence to energy check, energy will guide you to the monthly contribution that is in alignment with universal reciprocity, grace and mercy. For now, I’ll guide you to feeling into your heart and use that set your right amount.

A word about time and spaciousness

Your time in this class is about learning new tools, practicing and integrating them. This process takes time. To fully experience the benefits of this program, I suggest you plan on being a part of this program for at least four months. Experience has shown that many people choose to stay in it longer. Of course, if you find at any time that the program is no longer a fit for you, I fully support your knowing. The people I’ve worked with who come into their own with Energy Checking have been at it for a number of years. You may not need to be in this class for the whole of your journey to proficiency. Yet if it feels you are being nourished and your skills continue to deepen and sharpen, this space is designed to hold you for the duration. My hope is that this space and the resources provided shortens for you the time it took me to rely on my own energy checking.

Some context is helpful

Often people get tripped up by pay-what-you-want pricing, thinking they need to pay more than what is really doable for them. Let me assure you, this is not what I intend. We must be realistic with our resources. I want you to feel great about our relationship, the value you get from this class and what you contribute to sustain me in my service to you. I trust you to land on an amount that feels right to your heart and with time, you will be able to energy check your right amount for the month. Your “right amount” will be sustainable for you. It will gently stretch you, opening you up to the emotional and energetic benefits that come with this kind of “stretching”. The stretching may be financial or it may be spiritual, delivering to you more grace and mercy than you usually allow. If you go to your heart, you’ll feel this sweet spot of mutual exchange. It is different for each person and circumstance and changes over time. 

Because we’re in relationship, I’ll share with you that when I go to my heart, receiving a contribution of $90-$137 per participant, per month feels resonant. The lower end of this range covers everyday business expenses of facilitating a good-sized class. The upper edge of this is the top edge of sustainability, not necessarily very profitable. Contributions above $137 support participants for whom the minimum contribution would be prohibitive.

That being said, if the range I’ve suggested is not something you have, I don’t expect you to contribute it. It is important to me that you have what you need around food, shelter and the basics of an enjoyable life. I trust you to go to your heart and find the amount that is that sweet spot for you right now: sustainable and offering the benefits of a gentle stretch. When you consider the truth of your situation, you will see that stretching happens at all points along this scale, often in different ways than we imagine! You can put that slider as low as it needs to go. Truly! I trust in the divine workings of this offering and of Life. Go ahead. Take a moment to be with your heart. See what amount shows up as your resonant investment. Believe me that whatever your heart prompts you to give, I genuinely welcome you into this class with open arms!

Click below to choose your pay-from-the-heart pricing.

Energy Checking Practice Circle +/- $90-$137

Chose the contribution amount that is right for your heart and sustainable for your budget. The quantity you select (the number you enter in the quantity field) equals the amount you agree to pay this month. You will have the opportunity to change your amount each month.