Kathryn’s Inner Session, Part 2
Would You like me to ask about Janna now? Yes. Would You like Janna to be able to get a response in her body right now? Yes. (my mind was expecting a NO here, in terms of where there is love nothing is too much trouble and there is always time kind of way, like in a nothing needs to be force bloomed here kind of way). How would You like to show me this information? Is it one of the four choices I previously listed (in inner session part 1 that had to do with Julie)? No. Okay, something else…am I to read something in a book? Yes. One of the books I’m borrowing from Leila? Yes. (Leila let me borrow a stack of books about early Bahá’í women who spent time with Abdu’l-Baha). Am I to read something in The Wisdom of the Enneagram? No. (Then I open myself up to that stack of books from Leila and this is what pops out to me first:) The Diary of Juliet Thompson? Yes. (I check and see that it has about 400 pages. So first I check to see which block of hundreds I am to search: 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, muscle testing each one. There is energy around 201-300. Now I break it down further: 200-250, 251-300. There is energy around 251-300. 251-260, 261-270 and so on. There is energy around 281-290. Then I individually check the numbers between 281-290 and I get a “yes” for 282-283.)
I go to page 282 and scan my hand down the page seeing where my finger clicks to a “yes” and it lands on these words: “dear words of encouragement.” It is a footnote where Juliet says, “I am destroying my diary in longhand and I can’t bear to lose any of the Master’s (Abdu’l-Baha’s) words to me, those dear words of encouragement. That is why I keep them.” Is Janna needing encouragement from Abdu’l-Baha? Yes. Is this going to come through (and I just see what possibilities drop into my head) 1.) finding a particular passage of Abdu’l-Baha? 2.) Her imagining Him coming to her as a champion giving her what she needs in the moment? 3.) Something else? There was energy around #2. Is this a process I can offer Janna? Yes. Is she to imagine Abdu’l-Baha’s dear words to her? Yes. Am I to share this process on the call? Yes.
This is the quote I was thinking of on the call:
“The handmaids of God must rise to such a station that they will, by themselves and unaided, comprehend these inner meanings, and be able to expound at full length every single word; a station where, out of the truth of their inmost hearts, a spring of wisdom will well up, and jet forth even as a fountain that leapeth from its own original source.” -Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá no. 142 175-176