Video - planning your day (or next moment)
This video was made in 2015 as a part of a get-your-life-organized-and-beautiful course I was taking, so just gloss over the intro and ending. I like it for the ways it details my process of using Energy Checking to narrow down my to do list and the way it describes how I learned to identify and work with the quality of the answers coming through. However! I am also a bit overwhelmed by what now seems like unnecessary steps!
My process has evolved, and yours will too! Now I don’t cull the list for “daily priorities,” I just write down the whole list of potential tasks, number them erratically (1-20 etc… but I don’t go in order because I like to not remember what number corresponds with which task so I’m surprised) then I just check for the next thing I am to do. None of this planning my entire day business! I go moment to moment now. I also have built a life that supports this approach.
In the five years since I made this video I can see the ways I hold my Energy Checking more lightly now. Because I was less certain of it before, I can see I was really being careful to be systematic and really paying attention to the quality that was coming through. I also assumed that to be organized I needed to have a detailed planner and set my goals ahead of time. Ha! I thought I was fluid then, I’m really fluid now! One more pro tip: always add in “other” as a task, in case something you are to do next is not on your original list!
What’s also fun about this video is I get a surprise call in the middle of it from a dear friend!