Call recording - session with Amelia - 25 Apr 20

Click on the red circle above to listen to the conversation I had with Amelia on April 25th, 2020. Amelia wanted to explore what, if anything, to do with her home organizing business ( during this unusual period. The intention was loosely to weed out the “shoulds”—and my mind generated a list of “Let’s do ____” as she talked—but as with many Energy Checking sessions, we found ourselves guided in a different direction by Energy and so we followed the breadcrumbs it offered us. As you listen, what I hope you see demonstrated is the organic process of truth unfoldment—a lot of which is just trying stuff out! There were many threads that our minds were curious about and we were trying to understand what there wasn’t energy around pursuing. “No”s are great because they can focus our questioning. If you get a “No” that is surprising/disappointing/confusing, the question to put to your mind is, “How can this be a kind thing?” and let it search for possible reasons why. Additionally, when you are being accompanied in your Energy Checking and you and your buddy get different answers, take a moment to calibrate how you’re each defining the thing you’re checking. You could have different pictures in your mind related to a concept and that is coloring the answers you each get.

A few other things to note before you listen:

  • There is a lot of “real talk” (AKA swear words and inside references from decades of friendship)—apologies if this offends your ears!

  • The content of our conclusions are specific to Amelia in this moment and very well may not be applicable to your current moment or story. Always check on whether something you hear is relevant to YOUR personal now.

  • In spite of how it could sound, neither of us is a hater of new-age thinking or money-making!  Amelia expresses some frustrations with mindsets she has taken on from frameworks that are not relevant to HER story

Here’s the cross-stitch she’s finding meditative bliss in:
